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Pilot-Project: Combating discrimination for female founders through targeted development of skills in recognizing and coping with patterns of discrimination

Discriminatory evaluation patterns and the associated experiences of discrimination by female founders and entrepreneurs have an inhibiting effect on founding. They are one of the main reasons that women start a company significantly less often than men.

The project aims to identify certain patterns and codes of exclusion from discriminatory experiences and to make the swarm knowledge of female entrepreneurs and founders usable for others.

A think tank with experts from the field of female entrepreneurship research, equality, communication / aesthetics and programming explores ideas on how a technical application in this area could be developed that can also create new situations with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) from the wealth of experience of female founders and entrepreneurs can analyze and evaluate.

It also needs to be clarified which values ​​and parameters an AI would have to follow so that it does not itself reproduce gender-specific experiences of discrimination

In the iterative process of the project, several workshops are carried out in which important aspects of the subject area are dealt with. At the same time, experience from female founders and entrepreneurs is gathered in order to generate initial data sets for the content of the applications.

At the end of the process, a conception of functionality, surface and aesthetics of the product is created.


bundesweite gründerinnenagentur (bga)

c/o WeiberWirtschaft eG

The project “Combating discrimination for female founders through targeted development of skills in recognizing and coping with patterns of discrimination” is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth